
November 29, 2021 - THE LAST ONE

  Well I get home today at 9pm! So crazy! It was quite the week! We had an awesome Thanksgiving at Lilis house and it was so fun. Then we got to go to a Friendsgiving with all the youth- also super fun.  I'm so thankful that I was able to serve here in Houston. It was a great 18 months. There's no way to sum up everything that happened. But, my testimony has grown so so much. I know Christ lives. I know He atoned for all our pains and sins. I know our Heavenly Father had a plan for us. And I know the Book of Mormon is true and that we have a living prophet today. Yesterday, I got to teach the young womens class and we talked about what our lives would be like without the Book of Mormon. I can't even imagine it. I wouldn't know about eternal families, the incredible love and plan that God has for each of us, etc. I'm so grateful for all I've learned and all the people I've met. Now on to the next stage of life 😅 T-minus 9 hours @momanddad Love yall!!!🤠

November 22, 2021 - Las Vaqueras de Houston

  Last week was amazing!! I got to go to the temple twice- once with Lili and then the next day with the other missionaries that are going home with me. It was so fun. Lili loved it!! When I was at the temple with the other missionaries, I read in Luke and this verse stood out to me- Luke 1:79 "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace" This is why we have a prophet today and why we need our Savior- to show us the way back home to our Heavenly Father. I also got to go on exchanges with Hna Davis! We went and ate at this members house. She was showing us that she painted her fingernails green. Then a few minutes later she opened the fridge and her green salsa fell an her feet... after helping her clean it up she looked at us and said "look now my toes are painted green too". It was funny. Then while she was in the bathroom washing off, I was able to pour my beans (they don't agree with my stomac

November 15, 2021 - Consider the Lilies of the field

  LILI GOT BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY AND IT WAS AMAZING. AND we're going to the temple on Thursday with her to do baptisms for the dead. WE'RE SO EXCITED.  Wow a lot happened last week. Lili got baptized, we had our Zone conference, we had exchanges, we had service at this place called Reigning Strength where kids with autism go and ride horses to learn how to balance, talk, etc. It's incredible.  At zone conference, one of our leaders, President Rascon, said that the best leaders are the best followers. I love that so much. Christ is the best leader. But He also followed God's commandments perfectly. Sometimes we think we can only be one or the other, but why not both? That's where we can learn the most and have a lot of experience but also still be humble enough to take people's counsel and advise.  God is so good. Texas is awesome. I love Hispanics and their hospitality and love. And I love being a missionary. I may have been called to Argentina, but Houston is de

November 8, 2021 - Sunday School brought to you by: Coco

  Another week here in good ole Tejas. Our friend Lili is getting baptized this Saturday and we are SO EXCITED!! She is just incredible. She had her baptismal interview and she's ready! I also got to go on exchanges with Sis Fransden in Eldrige Park (my last area) and we ate alligator, put our friend Fatmata on date to be baptized, and found a new friend to teach. It was a blast. And of course we had to get t-shirts 😇.  We had 3 friends come to church on Sunday and in Sunday school we were talking about baptisms for the dead and not a ton of people were participating and then the teacher asks who has seen the movie Coco? And everyone raises their hands and someone says, "todos!!". It was so funny haha then for the rest of the class we talked about family history work and related it to Coco. Everyone participated in that. Then we got to watch a minute from the movie and it was so funny how excited all these adults were about the movie haha. I've been thinking a lot la

November 1, 2021 - Happy November!!

  Anddd another long week haha but this one was fun! Our friend Jaqueline wants to be baptized so that is so so awesome! She really wants her family to be involved too so we are going to teach her family this Saturday.  We are helping 3 other people prepare for baptism. Jacob is going to get baptized on the 27th with his sister and I'm so excited for him!  I got to go on exchanges with Sister Stone and we got to paint someone's dresser and barstools. Good times. I love her. We had our ward Trunk-or-Treat and we were elders haha. I think we won the costume contest.  Heres a scripture I really loved this week: Mosiah 5:12 "I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you" Love yall!

October 25, 2021 - Wake me up when October ends

  This was the longest week ever. We had 12 lessons cancel! Wahoo. But we got to visit some members so that was fun. My spanish is very much rusty. But I've got the facial expressions down so theres that haha.  Hna Oveson and I got to do some service for this lady named Heidi. So usually there's like 1 junk drawer in the house with random stuff in it right? Well....Heidi has many drawers and cabinets that I think shes makes sure they're not organized just so we go over there. I think she'd let us stay all day if we could. She's super sweet though and wants me to install a door for her because my dad knows how to weld? Yeah I have no idea how she came to that conclusion hahaha.  We're teaching these 3 sisters from Honduras. They have 5 kids and they all came to Church yesterday! So awesome. We're also teaching this boy who wants to be baptized and he is hilarious. We showed him a picture of Joseph Smith and he said, "Joseph Smith was a good looking guy!&